
Google sitemaps and python

I am going to start fiddling with Google Sitemap, still in beta. This is a tool that helps google index a site. With this you can publis some meta-data about your site, like refresh rates, relevance, ...

For starters, following Google's instructions, I started by downloading python, necessary to run the sitemap generator script.
I installed the python 2.3 rpm (I still hava an oldie Suse 9.0 installation), but that was not enough.
Still needed to install the python-xml package...

It worked. Keep posted for updates on that.


Bug, request, source tracking and Wiki

I have been using Bugzilla for quite some time.
Then came a client that hated complex procedures. Bugzilla was not the interface for him. Bugzilla is more for tech-teams usage, not for a client in a marketing dep who wants an easy way to keep track of their requests.

And then came Trac. It's a python and sqlite. It's a bug/request-tracking system (aka ticket system) bundled with a very nice Subversion integration, Wiki (with attachments).

It has a very clean and friendly interface.

My client loved it.


Desktops - Windows, Linux and MacOs

The coming Microsoft Windows Vista and the Apple's migration to Intel has put a lot of people talking about the Desktop OS for a long time.

Here is my 5 cents:

People are used to Windows, and you can't beat that. People are averse to change. If chaging currencies from escudos to euros would never work if people were not obligated, imagine what the learning curve is for someone using Windows to migrate to Linux!

And I also speak for me! Working with a different Linux distro (switching from Suse to Fedora Core 4 has somehow put the sweats on me...

As much as I like to explore new things, I just can't find the time to switch. I will only do so when I really have...

People will on change when the companies want to switch. But you cant't expect that big companies (the ones that really matter for this case) will want to switch. No CTO will put his neck out that much...

Linux and MacOS will continue to exist in the desktop, beeing used only by tecno freaks fringes.